Slavic Marriage Practices

The customs of Russian marriage are extensive and diverse. It is rife with various rituals that represent significant occasions in each couple's living and aid in their peaceful marriage. These festivals were performed not only to commemorate the union of two people but also to demonstrate the bride's virginity and guarantee that her father may look after her well.

Village relationships were once connected to the agrarian timeline. Young boys and girls frequently got together over breaks like Ivan Kupala in June or the fall. At this time, matching was common: young individuals presented themselves russian sexy women, chose their coming spouses, and recited round dances while singing.

Family individuals divided the women on the bridal evening to start. A couched man may be given to the bride by her families. The community of the groom had therefore offer the princess's families a ransom. This practice, known as vykup nevesty, involved the man asking the couple's relatives to spend a larger sum of money if the compensation was insufficient.

The wife was then given to her novel residence by her father and mother-in-law, who provided her with bakery, sugar, and a rushnyk. She then walked into her new house with her newlywed husband, bowing to each of the four directions: South ( white, air ), West ( red, fire ), North ( black, water ), and East ( green, earth ). They took their oaths while standing on a rushnik-shaped rectangle piece of cloth. They then shared a cup of wine, sipping it as the preacher guided them through the analogy.